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Jan. 7, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass.   ---          Jan. 7, 2015

PLANNING BOARD  – Minutes  --  Public Hearing & Regular Meeting

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Jon Fudeman. Present were: Tom Daly, John Mirick, Ann Neuburg and alternate member Rud Mason. Absent: Richard Bisk. Board voted all in favor to approve minutes from Dec. 3, 2014.

New Business  

7:35 PM  Chairman opened public hearing for “Town Line Farm”  317 Worcester Road and read public hearing notice. New owners Bill & Ruth Bergstrom seek special permit (incorporating site plan) from PB under:  Sect. III (G)  (b) for “home specialty retail.”
Ruth Bergstrom described buying the Rollins home recently and visiting its retail operation some years ago. She explained that she is a kitchen planner and interior designer. She and Bill would like to re-open the business as (essentially) a hobby, open Saturdays in three seasons; selling antiques, certain collectibles such as vintage signs, home décor and hand-crafted accessories. Off-street parking is extensive with an 80 ft. driveway on north side and 35 ft. drive on south side. The retail space would be limited to ground-level in the barn with 425 sq. ft.
Board members then asked questions. John M. pointed out that any larger-scale retail operation would need to relocate to a Business-zone site. Tom D. asked about hours of operation and some discussion followed with no determination. Jon F. noted that, along with neighboring Wooly Fox, these types of home business are an amenity for the town.
7:55 PM  Chairman closed the public hearing and the board deliberated. They agreed to approve the special permit & site plan with a vote all in favor, with conditions as listed on the decision form, which states that “any material change in the project (as described) or in the specified conditions, is subject to review and approval of the Planning Board, which may require a public hearing after notice and publication.” They will sign the decision at the next meeting on Jan. 21.

8:00 PM  Gary Griffin met with the board to discuss his options for developing his 18 acre parcel (Map 6 Lot 5) on Old Colony Road. The rear lot line is the Hubbardston town line.  Frontage allows for six ANR lots. Since there are more than three lots involved, the OSRD bylaw prevented him from bringing a conventional ANR plan to develop this land. He is concerned about the expense involved with OSRD requirements and lack of a market for OSRD houselots. He presented a plan to develop six lots as a conventional ANR and common driveways with three driveway openings onto Old Colony Rd. John noted an aspect of the OSRD is to keep fifty percent of the land undeveloped. The intent is to cluster the houses and save open space. Gary said he is not interested in doing an OSRD as preparing plans could cost $20,000. John explained the bylaw was adopted by the town and the job of the board is to apply those mandates.
Open Space Committee member Deb Cary was present, voicing support for the OSRD bylaw. Also, with a protected buffer of open space along the town line, the Midstate Trail could relocate from its ¾ mile current route on Old Colony Road and instead follow the town line through the woods to Hubbardston Road.
Jon F. stated that the board is obligated to work with the bylaw and asked to table the discussion to the next PB meeting to allow the board to research how the bylaw must be applied, and if they have any different options. It was noted that it’s not possible to simply “waive” zoning requirements.

~Old Business

The board continued discussion on the latest version of an Earth Removal Bylaw. John M. distributed a draft dated 1/7/15 with three versions of a “Purpose” clause. They will finalize clarifications  to Princeton Zoning bylaws “definitions” and agreed to schedule a public hearing for the zoning changes for the Feb. 18 meeting.

Administrative Business

The board agreed to level-fund the PB Budget for FY’16:  $2,636.00 was appropriated in FY 15. As of 12/15/14, $993.86 was spent with $1642.14 available.

9:00 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:   Princeton Zoning Bylaws May 2014; draft dated 12/2/14 for a proposed Earth Removal Bylaw “purpose” section;  plans submitted by Gary Griffin

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department